Our adult rates.

  • Free Trial Class.

    Discover our academy by claiming your free trial with us.

    Available for adults and kids.

    *In-person specials available.

  • Yearly

    Unlimited classes for 12 months.

    Monthly: $249 upfront + $151.00/month (save $459 annually)

    Pay Upfront: $2008 (save $512 annually)

  • Six Months

    Unlimited classes for 6 months.

    Monthly: $149 upfront + $150.00/month (save $211 semi-annually)

    Pay Upfront: $1020.50 (save $239.50 semi-annually)

  • Monthly

    One month of unlimited classes.

    Monthly: $210

  • Class Pass

    1 Class Pass -$35

    5 Class Pass - $161

    10 Class Pass - $280

    20 Class Pass - $525

  • Personal Training

    Adult and Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Adult Fitness Training

    *Get in touch for a personalized pricing plan suited to your fitness journey.

  • Visitors/Guests of Members

    E-mail/DM for our drop-in rates

  • Discounts

    *teens receive a 10% discount off any plan

    *family and first responder discounts available

  • Inquiries

    For any questions regarding memberships or rates, please feel free to contact us at info@junctionacademy.ca.

*There is a charge for every request for pause/suspend flat fee ($25 + hst /pause) for monthly membership plans for approved valid reasons (injuries, medical reasons, etc). Please make sure to make a written request via email. Pre-paid plans cannot be refunded but can be put on hold/frozen with a valid written request and confirmation. Please email info@junctionacademy.ca to reactivate your account

*all rates above are hst excluded

*We accept credit card payments. All memberships are auto-debited monthly. Please provide a minimum of two (2) days notice for membership cancellations.